Some are wondering if Harmony Korine's “Baby Invasion,” which premiered at Venice last year, will ever get released, this latest update has only further enhanced the confusion.
It’s been announced that “Baby Invasion” will have its NYC premiere at Knockdown Center on March 21. Here’s the kicker, this will be a reimagined version in which Korine will remix and deconstruct the film in real-time much like a DJ set.
Described as an interactive thriller, “Baby Invasion” is a feature about home invaders, shot from a first-person shooter perspective. The footage was created using six body cams (one worn by Korine himself). Oh, and the invaders' faces have been treated with AI technology so that they appear as babies.
Korine went as far as to cast real people who did home invasions, in key roles, and much like he did with “Aggro Dr1ft,” didn’t use a traditional script to shoot the film.
Some of the cast were actually people that tried to rob a lot of friends of mine […] Once they were arrested, we cast them and it just added that extra sense of reality.
Although a cut of “Baby Invasion” was shown at Venice, Korine confessed that festival audiences would only be getting a “base layer” of the overall experience as he shot over 80 hours of usable footage.
“When we release the film, there’ll be a way to watch it through your phone, but there’ll be certain codes within the movie that’ll take you to other movies,” he said. “So the film, what you’re seeing, is just a base layer film. There’ll be three or four other sub films.”
“Baby Invasion” is still looking for U.S. distribution, and much like “Aggro Dr1ft,” I doubt it’ll be getting it. Look for strip club screenings to be announced shortly.