Last year, Marvel added two untitled movies to their release calendar, dated for July 23, 2027, and November 5, 2027. Many have pointed towards one of these two slots being reserved for the upcoming X-Men reboot.
In March 2019, Marvel Studios got back the film rights to X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Deadpool after Disney’s acquisition of Fox for $71.3 billion. More recently, Marvel boss Kevin Feige stated that the “Mutant era” was soon coming in the MCU, which means we’re going to be getting the X-Men reboot that’s long been awaited by fans.
It turns out that “X-Men” might be starting production in October. This would mean that casting would have to begin very soon, and that’s why rumors have been swirling for weeks now, about who will be portraying the various different X-Men characters.
First off, we have The Hot Mic’s Jeff Sneider having heard a “rumor” that Harris Dickinson (“Babygirl”) was being eyed for the role of Cyclops. Sadie Sink (“Stranger Things”) might also be in the running for Jean Grey. Meanwhile, a far less reliable source is saying Hunter Schafer as Mystique. No word yet on whether Hugh Jackman will be back to play Wolverine.
There is still no director attached to the “X-Men” reboot. More recently, ‘Hunger Games’ writer Michael Lesslie was hired to pen the screenplay. There had been rumors that Jordan Peele (“Get Out”) met with Marvel boss Kevin Feige to potentially direct, but nothing seems to have materialized out of that meeting.
There have been a lot of bad ‘X-Men’ movies: “X-Men: The Last Stand” (‘06), “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” (‘09), “X-Men: Apocalypse” (‘16), “Dark Phoenix” (‘19), “The New Mutants” (‘20) … Fox has been milking this franchise for a few decades now.
As far as the consensus goes, there have been five good X-Men movies released in the last 25 years: “X-Men” ‘(00), “X2” (‘02), “X-Men: First Class” (‘11), “X-Men: Days of Future Past” (‘14) and “Logan” (‘17) — otherwise, this franchise had its day, which is why Feige believes it’s a good idea to reboot the entire thing.