I wasn’t prepared to post about this, but having spoken with Jeff Sneider, who decided to drop this news on his Hot Mic podcast, he’s also hearing the same rumor that’s been going around town for the last week or so.
Quentin Tarantino is preparing to shoot a new movie, and production could happen before the year is done. No word yet on whether it’s “The Movie Critic” or a whole other new project. We’ll see how this materializes, but much like Sneider, I only have one source telling me this. I could not corroborate it with another.
What has become apparent is the buzz this shoot has been creating in town, especially with L.A. movie workers who have not only seen recent wildfires ravaging through their city, but a drastic drop in post-pandemic movie productions, and work opportunities
Suffice to say it, there seems to be real excitement in the air and Tarantino, who loves to shoot in California, will be creating a lot of jobs whenever it comes the time to shoot this film.
What I find rather odd is that over a month ago, Tarantino had stated he was “in no hurry to actually jump into production,” and that he was waiting until his son turned six years old so that he can bring him on the set and kid Tarantino can remember the memory of shooting with his dad.
Tarantino recently revealed that what he’s actually doing “right now” is “writing a play,” and that it’s going to “probably be the next thing” he does. Not just that, “if it’s a smash hit? It might be my last movie.”
Last year, Tarantino was gearing up to shoot “The Movie Critic,” that is until he decided to scrap the project entirely for, what some claimed was, another film. Word is that Tarantino rewrote the ‘Movie Critic’ script, had a new draft and then, quite simply, had a change of heart.
Last year, Sony International’s Steven O’Dell had teased that the studio might have acquired Tarantino’s next project, and that was after “The Movie Critic” had been scrapped. Whatever that project might be, it remains under lock and key.